The analysis of optic flow information is vital for determining the direction and velocity of locomotion and has been a hotspot of the studies on visual information processing in recent years. 光流信息的检测对于人或动物确定前进的方向、速度至关重要,已成为运动信息加工的一个研究热点。
The Clinical Research for Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Treated with the Methods of Promoting Qi Flow and Soothing Liver; Design and Operation of the INTREX~ ( TM) Heat Exchanger in CFB Boiler 行气疏肝法治疗缺血性视神经病变的临床研究循环流化床整体化换热床的设计与运行
Research on posterior ischemic optic neuropathy using color Doppler flow imaging 应用彩色多普勒血流成像技术对后部缺血性视神经病变的研究
Fibre optic branching devices-Part 1: Generic specification The safety authentication, separate of authentication and data flow from network service was realized with authenticator. GB/T13713-1992纤维光学分路器第一部分∶总规范(可供认证用)以实现认证安全性,及认证和业务数据流的分离。
A vacuum melt pressure equipment for fiber optic boards was developed, and its construction, process flow and performance index were introduced. 研制了一种用于生产光学纤维面板的真空熔压设备,介绍了该三工位熔压设备的结构、工艺流程及性能指标。
The influence of cold provocation and calcium channel blocker to the optic disc blood flow of patients with primary open-angle glaucoma 冷激发及钙离子通道阻滞剂对原发性开角型青光眼患者视盘血流的影响
Objective: To investigate the difference of optic disk and retinal microcirculation blood flow in different level myopic patients. 目的:探讨不同程度近视病人视乳头及视网膜微循环血流有无差异。
Realize some algorithm like preprocessing, sample match, Hough transform, optic flow computation, corner detect based on GPU. 针对具体的算法(预处理、模板匹配、Hough变换、光流计算、角点检测),设计了其相应的GPU软件实现。
Objective To evaluate the effects of cold provocation on optic dise blood flow and retinal light sensitivity of primary open-angle glaucoma ( POAG) patients, and explore the relationship between the changes of optic disc blood flow and retinal light sensitivity. 目的研究原发性开角型青光眼(Primaryopen-AngleGlaucoma,POAG)患者在寒冷刺激时的视盘血流、视网膜光敏感度变化及二者的相互关系。
A Positioning Algorithm Based on Scene Matching Using Optic Flow 基于光流的景象匹配定位算法研究
This paper proposes a novel contour tracking algorithm based on Hidden Markov Model ( HMM) and optic flow. 提出了一个新颖的基于隐马尔科夫模型与光流的轮廓线跟踪算法。
Considering the weakness of the Optic Flow approach, we give an improved object detection and segmentation method in the moving background case. 在对静止背景情况充分研究的基础上,本文着重分析了基于光流估计的运动背景目标检测和分割方法,并对光流估计精度不高时的目标检测和分割提出改进方案。
Determination of Iron(ⅲ) by Fiber Optic Kinetic Method with Flow Injection Analysis and Fluorescent Probe 流动注射光纤荧光探针动力学法测定铁的研究
In order to improve the algorithm, a algorithm integrating with optic flow is presented by Introducing the theory of estimating motion between video frames by optic flow. 为了提高匹配速度,引入了光流法估计视频图像帧间运动的思想,提出了综合光流法和基于归一化积相关和高斯塔形分解的配准算法的匹配定位方法。
The results show that certain linear relation exists between the sensitivity and disturb in optic fiber sensing, and the optic fiber sensing for detecting CO2 gas can be realized by energy flow within optic fiber through the optic fiber disturb technique. 结果表明:光纤传感的灵敏度与扰动有一定的线性关系,利用光纤扰动技术产生光纤内部的能量流动,可实现光纤CO2气体传感。
The optic fiber flowmeter is a kind of new type flowmeter combined optic fiber technology and flow measurement. 光纤流量传感器是光纤技术和传统流量检测技术相结合的一种新型流量传感器。
Optic flow estimation is one of the basic problems in computer vision, and a lot of excellent optical flow estimation methods have been proposed. 光流估计是计算机视觉领域的基础科学问题之一,大量的优秀的光流估计方法被提出来。
Finally, we establish a general Euler-Lagrange equation based on the variational optic flow computation, and derive the corresponding semi-implicit difference scheme. In addition, we establish mathematical models optic flow computation for large displacement with typical data items and smoothness items. 最后,建立了通用的基于变分方法的光流计算的通用Euler-lagrange方程,推导出相应的半隐式差分格式;并就典型的数据项和光滑项建立了考虑大位移光流场计算的数学模型。
Another research content of this article is that we use dual method for large optic flow computation based on the study of small optic flow computation, and discuss fully the numeric arithmetic. 本文的另一研究内容是在对偶方法的小位移光流计算研究基础上,采用对偶方法计算大位移光流,并详细说明了数值算法。
One of the research content of this article is that dual method is presented for small optic flow computation based on variational models. 本文的研究内容之一是基于光流计算的通用变分模型系统地建立了小位移光流场计算的对偶方法。
Using this method, we can define energy functional with data item and smoothness item. Through variational methods, the Euler-Lagrange equation of optic flow computation is obtained and through differential method discrete solutions can be gotten. 使用该方法,可根据亮度变化及视频图像中包含的运动成分等定义,由数据项和光滑项构成的能量泛函,通过变分方法获得光流计算的Euler-Lagrange方程,并通过差分方法进行离散求解。
Optic flow can describe the gray-scale trends of each point in an image sequence. 光流场能够反映图像上每个点灰度的变化趋势。
Optic flow is a key technique for motion image analysis. Variational methods are among the best performing techniques for computing the optic flow. 光流技术是运动图像分析中的重要方法,而变分光流方法被认为是光流计算方法中最为精确的计算方法之一,该方法通过极小化满足一定约束条件的能量函数来求解光流值。
Although optic flow is only the projection of the true motion of the scene, it proves to be useful for a variety of different tasks, such as object segmentation, detection, tracking, robot navigation and information recovery and so on. 尽管光流只是真实运动信息的投影,但是它可以被应用于很多方面的研究,诸如目标分割、识别、跟踪、机器人导航以及形状信息恢复等极其重要的任务。
Optic flow is the speed of mode movement in images. 光流是指图像中模式运动的速度。
Optic flow computation is divided into small displacement and large displacement optical estimation. 光流计算分为小位移光流计算和大位移光流计算。
Optic flow not only contains movement information of objects observed, but also carries abundant information of two-dimensional structure features. 光流不仅包含了被观察物体的运动信息,而且携带着有关景物二维结构的丰富信息。
First, we establish the data items of variational optic flow computation, which can effectively calculate optic flow under six cases, such as brightness constancy assumption, brightness gradient constancy assumption and brightness divergence constancy assumption and so on. 首先建立了变分光流计算的数据项,能有效地计算光亮度不变、光亮度梯度不变、光亮度散度不变等假设前提下光流场计算的6种情形,推导了数据项设计的策略和方法。